The development, modification and adaptation of tests and psychophysiological methods

Our work on tests and psychophysiological methods



1. The questionnaire of women's adaptability in relationships with the opposite sex (female coquetry) 


by E.L. Lutsenko, V.V. Volchanova


2. The test of primativeness (the tendency to be guided by instinctual patterns of behavior as opposed to rational)

by E.L. Lutsenko, K.Z. Absalyamova

3. The method of diagnostic of Perceptive Anticipation in the form of the computer game "Find The Way».

by K.A. Andronnikova (Psychology), F.N. Zavodovsky (Programming).


4. The test of Disorders of healthy behavior


by E.L.Lutsenko, O.E.Gabelkova



5. Adapted test of critical thinking by L.Starki


adaptation by E.L.Lutsenko



6. Low Physical Activity Tendency Method



by E.L.Lutsenko, O.Ye.Gabelkova



The development, modification and adaptation of tests and psychophysiological methods

Low Physical Activity Tendency Method

Lutsenko O.L., Gabelkova O.Ye.


This psychodiagnostic method was developed as a personal questionnaire in the result of the research. It corresponds to the psychometric requirements of validity, reliability, discrimination, was provided by norms for men and women of young age.

The sample of the study was 286 persons - students of full-time and part-time departments of different faculties of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University at the age from 17 to 43 years, of which 163 women and 123 men.

It was used such psychological tests for validation the new method: “Health Behavior Test” (designed by Office of Disease Prevention of Health Promotion of the Public Health Service, Department of health and Human Services), Scale of Asthenic Conditions (SAC) of L.D. Malkova in T.G. Chertova adaptation, V. Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale in T.N. Balashova adaptation and physiological test of adaptation to physical load of Ruffier-Dickson. It was checked Cronbach’s Alfa reliability which is rt=0,65 and test-retest reliability, which is rt=0,79. Test discrimination of Ferguson is  =1,00.

Method consists of 9 items with have 3-5 answer options. Factor analysis was done by Principal Components method for new test. It was extracted one factor of all 9 items with 0,31-0,68 factor loadings, which explained 28% of total variance of the variable.

This new method can be effectively used within the psychology of health, labor psychology, psychological counseling, rehabilitation, psychosomatics.


Article about this method in Electronic Archive of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (in ukrainian)